
La UIA y LexisNexis se asocian en una serie conjunta de publicaciones.

Property rights over personal data

This book will explore the concept of property rights over personal data through a multi-jurisdictional lens, examining different perspectives on this topic, including legal, ethical, and economic considerations. It will delve into the history of data privacy, providing a detailed comparison of how various countries and regions have developed and implemented data protection laws.

By adopting a multi-jurisdictional approach, the book aims to highlight the diversity in legal frameworks and the challenges of harmonizing data protection standards across borders. It will also explore the current state of personal data ownership and control, discussing the nuances of privacy laws in different jurisdictions and how they impact individuals' rights to their data.

Furthermore, the book will examine emerging technologies that are transforming how we think about privacy and data protection, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, and consider their implications in a global context. Ultimately, this book aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of property rights over personal data, offering insights into the future direction of data protection legislation and practices worldwide.



International commercial sales: Challenges in delivery, transport risks and documentary fraud

This edition of the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection aims to address the main legal issues affecting the international sale and delivery of goods, using a strategic and pragmatic approach to outline the ways forward to tackle current challenges.

Expert practitioners and academics from different jurisdictions explore the interface between the contract of carriage and sales of goods, outlining best practices to facilitate negotiating and drafting contract clauses in international sales and transport contracts.


Inheritance and the Family Business: How to deal with Inheritance when the Main Assets are in a Family Business ?

In this latest edition of the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection, practitioners across Europe, the Americas, and the GCC discuss the ins and outs of the family business, inheritance, and estate planning.  
This edition discusses how different countries regulate the family business, how to deal with partners and family members, what happens when inheritance is the main asset in a family company, the special challenges faced in a family business insolvency process, and international considerations when it comes to mixing family, business and inheritance.  
Family lawyers, corporate lawyers, insolvency practitioners, and estate planners will find this book to be an invaluable guide in assisting clients in navigating a complex legal environment during a sensitive and stressful time for families. 


Commercial Mediation in the Digital Era

In the 11th Volume of the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection, mediation practitioners discuss emerging changes and trends in online mediation after the Covid-19 pandemic. In this edition, topics covered include the role of online platforms and Artificial Intelligence, the tools required to prepare for and conduct mediation online, and the importance of understanding body language in reaching a desirable outcome for all parties involved. The authors also evaluate the crucial techniques for decision-making in high-volume disputes and the necessity for a code of ethics and suitable enforcement procedures in the shadow of the Singapore Convention on Mediation. A must read for mediation practitioners and any party or advocacy body entering into the mediation process.

Anthology on Human Rights from Different Regions: 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The XXI Century is testing the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On its 70 anniversary, the UIA wants to mark the occasion with this anthology of articles assessing the breach and respect for Human Rights in different regions.
by Mª Eugènia Gay Rosell (Author) , Professor Sara Chandler QC (Hon) (Author) , Nuala Mole (Author) , Professor Gustavo Salas R., Ph. D. (Author) , Howard S. Simmons (Author) , Carmen Meza Ingar (Author) , Angela Diaz-Bastien (Author) , Daniela Patricia Almiron (Author) , Jumanah Adnan BEHBEHANI (Author) , Sulema Jahandir (Author).

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Fashion law : Legal trends and new challenges

In the 10th Volume of the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection, practitioners from several jurisdictions discuss the global fashion business and applicable laws. The authors address changing trends and challenges relating to trademarks, brands, counterfeiting and the production of fashion goods. In this edition, topics covered include the application of blockchain, copyright protections, online sales and sustainable employment in a sector constantly adapting to meet customer demand. An exciting and insightful guide for any practitioner assisting clients in the world of fashion houses and big branding.

Environmental Law and Sustainable Development

In the 9th Volume of the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection, practitioners from several jurisdictions discuss applicable environmental legislation. A valuable and detailed insight into changing trends and emerging issues relating to smart cities, corporate accountability, waste management and electric mobility. In this edition, the authors address the evolution of construction, transportation, corporate law and environmental law, and what the future might hold in light of a changing climate and popultaion growth. A useful guide for any practitioner keeping a keen eye on the possible roles technology may play in creating a more sustainable planet.

Family Law: Challenges and Development from an International Perspective

A multi-jurisdictional analysis of marriage, custody and divorce. Discussing differing legal systems and their recognition of relationships.

Assisting clients in family law matters can be a complex, sensitive and drawn out process. In the eighth volume of the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection, practitioners from all over the globe give their expertise and advice on matters such as surrogacy, marriage and divorce under international law, the rights of the child and custody laws. This publication should provide invaluable insight into cross-jurisdictional family law matters and assist practitioners in giving their clients the best possible guidance.

International Public Procurement

In light of governments engaging more private sector partnerships in several areas of strategic importance, such as infrastructure projects, energy, education and security, the seventh book in the UIA-LEXISNEXIS Publications Collection explains in practical terms how public procurement rules apply in EU countries and other regions of the world.
Authors from around the globe address specific elements of the public procurement process such as:
• The public procurement legal framework
• Common award procedures
• Social and environmental concerns encompassed in public procurement rules
• E-Procurement regulation
• The litigation process
This book is intended to assist any practitioner in the public procurement sector in developping a fuller understanding of the public procurement process and its legislative developments at a global level.


Drafting Effective International Contracts of Agency and Distributorship – a Practical Handbook

Selling its products or services is of key importance for every business. These sales and promotional activities often require the deployment of agents, distributors or other distribution intermediaries. At the international level, distribution regularly requires establishing contracts for international sales and contracts with distribution intermediaries in different countries. There are many issues to consider and pitfalls to avoid in drafting such contracts.
In this sixth book in the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection, legal practitioners share their expertise on drafting international contracts of commercial agency or distributorship, as well as contracts for other forms of distribution, in the European Union, North America, Australia and China.


Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence

AI is everywhere, and the legal sector is no exception. In a world driven by algorithms, what should (or can) the law do and how?

In this fifth book in the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection, Tech Law practitioners with first-hand experience in the upheavals provoked by AI address these key questions. In addition to new forms of regulation that emerging technologies are bringing about, this book deals with the legal schemes that are today regulating the use of AI techniques, including the new European regulation on the protection of personal.



Natural Resources Exploitation: Business and Human Rights

Can natural resources exploitation continue as a no-limit business? If measures have to be taken, what are they? Are compromises possible or should certain activities simply be stopped or dramatically reduced, with the economic consequences that we can imagine, including for employees? Distinguished speakers of diverse backgrounds examined these issues during the Main Theme Session on “Natural Resources Exploitation: Business and Human Rights”, held on 28 October 2017 during the UIA’s 61st Congress in Toronto.

This fourth book in the UIA-LexisNexis Publications Collection contains the speakers’ written contributions to the Congress, as well as contributions of other experts in the field, and examines the legal issues arising from the exploitation of natural resources on a legislative, administrative and contractual level, in addition to focusing on compliance mechanisms, dispute resolution and other mechanisms for redress..

Current Trends in Start-Ups and Crowd Financing

El primer libro titulado 'Current trends in Start-Ups and Crowd Financing' (tendencias actuales de los emprendimientos y de la financiación colaborativa) analiza los aspectos legales de la creación y la financiación de los emprendimientos.  Varios profesionales del derecho de diferentes jurisdicciones dan sus opiniones sobre los desarrollos actuales en el sector de la financiación colaborativa (conocido también como el crowdfunding) así como una visión general de los emprendimientos, un sector en crecimiento.






Compliance - Challenges and Opportunities for the Legal Profession

El segundo libro se titula 'Compliance – Challenges and Opportunities for the Legal Profession' (Compliance: retos y oportunidades para la profesión legal). Este libro introduce a sus lectores el tema sobre la compliance y sus fundamentos. Se discuten muchos temas actuales y cruciales, como las cuestiones en juego sobre el compliance, la instauración del control interno y de los sistemas de compliance dentro de las empresas y las herramientas que pueden ayudar las empresas a administrar el compliance.

Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements and Arbitral Awards: Recent Trends and Developments

El tercer libro se titula ‘Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements and Arbitral Awards: Recent Trends and Developments’ (Tendencias actuales y perspectivas del reconocimiento y la ejecución de decisiones judiciales y arbitrales). Este libro analiza los desarrollos recientes en el reconocimiento y la ejecución de decisiones judiciales y arbitrales extranjeros desde un punto de vista nacional como transfronterizo. El análisis se centra en las tendencias actuales de estos principios en las reglamentaciones europeas y las convenciones internacionales.












¿Cuál es el estatus de la mujer hoy? Aunque este estado parece haber cambiado considerablemente desde su inicio, todavía existe cierta discriminación a través de leyes, tradiciones y creencias. La cuestión es jurídica, política y sociológica.
Bajo el patrocinio de la UIA y la dirección científica de Alain Grosjean, este libro, en parte en francés e inglés, es el resultado de un año de trabajo que reunió a más de 50 autores.

Todos los beneficios se destinarán a la asociación Al-Baradoni, que apoya financieramente las acciones humanitarias de la directora Khadija Al-Salami, en particular su compromiso con la educación de los niños en un estado de guerra en Yemen. El director planea crear una escuela en los campamentos de personas desplazadas (el proyecto prevé la compra de tiendas de campaña, el equipo escolar, el cuidado de los maestros, pero también la distribución de comida a los niños involucrados).

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Le DIP au quotidien / IPR in het dagelijkse leven

Les entreprises, qu’elles soient familiales ou non, comme les particuliers évoluent dans un environnement qui s’étend de plus en plus au-delà des frontières nationales. Les sociétés, les individus, leurs données circulent à travers le monde. Leurs opérations bancaires, leurs contrats, les procédures qu’ils engagent, entre autres, impliquent des tiers qui ne participent ni du même espace géographique ni du même contexte juridique. Entreprises et particuliers se voient dès lors dans l’obligation d’anticiper bon nombre de problématiques s’ils ne veulent pas être confrontés, en aval, à des problèmes majeurs parce qu’ils ont omis de prendre en compte les complexités de cette diversité géographique et juridique, en amont. Le droit communautaire offre des solutions, peaufinées au fil du temps, dont l’évolution implique, en particulier des praticiens du droit, une mise à niveau permanente. En outre, le monde ne se limite pas à l’Union européenne et les échanges avec des pays tiers requièrent eux aussi d’être attentifs aux problématiques qu’ils génèrent ou sont susceptibles de générer.

Cet ouvrage aborde bon nombre de ces questions, qu’elles relèvent du domaine strict de l’homo economicus ou de la sphère privée.

Actes de la journée d’étude organisée le 27 mars 2015 par le Comité National Belge de l’UIA et l’Ordre Français des Avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles.



Enjeux européens et mondiaux de la protection des données personnelles

Nous assistons actuellement à une véritable révolution sociale, économique et technologique. L’exploitation des données avec le big data, l’internet des objets, va changer le monde. Face aux avancées, mais également aux inquiétudes que cette révolution suscite, il est important de s’appuyer sur les droits fondamentaux. Ainsi l’ouvrage revient sur la jurisprudence tant de la Cour de justice européenne que celle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme.

Une attention particulière est également donnée au champ d’application territorial de la proposition de règlement et au transfert des données. L’ouvrage met également en relief la perception américaine des règles de protection des données personnelles par rapport aux dernières négociations entre l’Europe et les Etats-Unis ; il traite en particulier du droit à l’oubli, du profilage ou de la notification des failles de sécurité ; il met en exergue les défis de la protection des données personnelles dans le domaine des services financiers, notamment en matière de fraude au paiement.

Sanciones económicas y arbitraje: Guía práctica para partes, abogados y árbitros