Calendário de los próximos eventos disponible en breve.
As you are aware, the UIA is active in protecting, human rights defenders, particularly lawyers, who are being prosecuted for their work in defending and promoting the rule of law. The strength of UIA comes from not only from our individual members, but also our collective members.
The bar associations and other legal societies are the primary protection for lawyers, as well as the independence of the profession. The solidarity and support, both institutional and otherwise, comes from collective associations for individual lawyers, and the state of the profession in the association.
In an era where the balance of the powers is crucial, the independence of the judiciary is a fundamental cornerstone of democratic governance and the rule of law. In this forum we will highlight the multiple dimensions of the roles and responsibilities of the Bar Associations to ensure and protect judicial independence.
“Independence of the Judiciary: How can Bar Associations help preserve it?”
In an era where the balance of the powers is crucial, the independence of the judiciary is a fundamental cornerstone of democratic governance and the rule of law. In this forum we will highlight the multiple dimensions of the roles and responsibilities of the Bar Associations to ensure and protect judicial independence.
“Civil Society’s Perceptions of the Legal Profession: How can they be improved?"
Regard for and the reputations of lawyers and the legal profession have almost never lower. In many parts of the world lawyers are seen largely as mouthpieces for the powers that be. In other instances they are seen as way too costly, as having priced themselves out of reach of ordinary people. What can Bar Associations and their members do to right these misperceptions and exaggerations? How can we enhance and promote the rule of law and the role of volunteer lawyers, legal aid and the like?
“The Wellbeing of the Lawyer”
Lawyer wellbeing has become an crucial topic for bar associations across the world. For example, the Bar Council and Law Society (England and Wales); the Canadian Bar Association; the American Bar Association; and many local and provincial bars are actively recommending that attorneys attend to their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their partners, associates, and staff. Much of this impetus is based on alarming statistics with respect to high levels of substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and stress among lawyers.
In this post-pandemic era, many lawyers increasingly are choosing to work from home. Benefits include saving on travel time, more and better family time, and more flexibility in general.
But are there downsides to consider? Loss of mentoring for younger lawyers, less opportunity for creative working sessions with colleagues and less collegiality with colleagues generally.
The UIA – together with other lawyers’ organisations such as the CCBE – actively participates as an observer in the work undertaken by the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on the Protection of Lawyers (CJ-AV) towards drafting an international convention aimed at strengthening the protection of the legal profession and the right to practice the profession without prejudice or restraint.
In this Forum, we will have the opportunity to hear about this international convention of the Council of Europe and hold a discussion on its various aspects.
Pro bono law services have never been more needed and our Bar Associations have never had a greater opportunity to help fill that need. In helping to fill the need for pro bono work, Bar Associations can simultaneously help many younger attorneys gain valuable hands-on experience working directly with clients, appearing in court and so on.
UIA Event for Bar Leaders
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Open Forum UIA para los líderes de los Colegios de Abogados
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Los trabajos del Senado Internacional de Colegios de Abogados (SICA)
Una de las escasas ocasiones de encuentro entre Decanos de Colegios de Abogados, que permite el avance del derecho a escala internacional y el diálogo entre organizaciones profesionales, el SICA favorece la construcción, el progreso y las modificaciones de las políticas profesionales en relación con los principios básicos de la profesión.
✓Por ejemplo, reflexiones sobre el establecimiento de un Código mundial de deontología o sobre la lucha contra las violaciones del secreto profesional.
Las Cumbres de la UIA de los Presidentes de Colegios de Abogados en la ONU
Encuentros únicos para reunirse en un lugar muy simbólico con compañeros y representantes de asociaciones internacionales. Estas cumbres permiten estar al día de los debates en curso en las Naciones Unidas sobre el tema del derecho internacional y reunirse con expertos mundiales sobre numerosos temas.
✓Por ejemplo, sesión 2016 sobre las migraciones, el Estado de Derecho y los crímenes atroces, sesión 2017 sobre la crisis de los refugiados, sesión 2018 sobre la esclavitud moderna.
Cumbre de los Presidentes de Colegios de Abogados en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra - 2017
Noviembre de 2019
Los colegios de abogados miembros de nuestra organización pueden contribuir al establecimiento de un orden jurídico internacional basado en los principios de justicia e equidad entre las naciones. También ayudamos a nuestros miembros a comprender los desafíos que la profesión legal enfrenta a nivel internacional y la organización de órganos de gobierno profesionales. Uno de nuestros principales objetivos es defender a los abogados y proteger sus derechos a ejercer la abogacía.
Vicepresidentes del Senado Internacioanal de los Colegios de Abogados
Secretario General del Senado Internacional de los Colegios de Abogados
Directores de Miembros Colectivos
Director Adjunto de Miembros Colectivos
La adhesión a la UIA puede aportarle muchos beneficios así como a su organización.
Si está interesado en saber más sobre la adhesión miembro colectivo y las cuotas, póngase en contacto con Noelia Alonso Morán a través de
Puede contactarnos igualmente al centro administrativo de la UIA por teléfono: +33 1 44 88 55 66.