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  • 2023-06-08T15:00:00 2023-06-08T16:00:00 Europe/Paris Session 3 – Tax Law UIA
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Session 3 – Tax Law

  • 08/06/2023 - 14:00 - 15:00


(Re-)Structuring family businesses in a tax efficient manner

Increased complexity and globalization of the economy has led to more sophisticated forms of organisation for family business. Individuals and family offices must revisit their wealth and corporate structures from a tax perspective to make sure that they are aligned with current businesses and new forms of investment demands, without losing tax efficiency. This session will focus on all the relevant aspects for a tax-efficient structure for cash flows (e.g., dividends and capital gains), new investments, leadership succession, wealth tax and estate tax in a globalized economy. Besides tax aspects, implementing a wealth structure that provides for an effective asset protection strategy is of the utmost importance. Business succession is of critical importance and difficult tax and cross border legal issues arise from the tendency for families to become more international and where the founder wishes that only certain family members inherit the business. All these aspects and their business and legal implications will be covered in this panel by specialized tax lawyers from a global perspective.


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