La mediación gracias a la comprensión, sesión de formación especial


del 13 de Septiembre al 15 de Septiembre de 2012

  • Imprimir
  • 2012-09-13 08:30:00 2012-09-15 18:00:00 Europe/London La mediación gracias a la comprensión, sesión de formación especial FLORENCIA, ITALIA UIA
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General presentation

The UIA is proud to present this course which is part of the UIA 2012 Training Courses Programme. The objective of our training courses is to provide comprehensive tools in specific and/or specialist areas of the law or in specific projects, by offering advanced-level “master classes” held by outstanding expert trainers.


The UIA aims to provide excellence at a reasonable cost, given its non-profit nature and institutional role.
The course is held over three days, with 2 trainers.
The sessions will be highly interactive.
Minimum number of participants: 22
Maximum number of participants: 32

Working language

The sessions will be held in English without simultaneous translation.

Accreditation of courses

Every participant attending the entire 3 days Training Course programme will receive a “Certificate of Attendance” at the end of the Course that may be used for obtaining “Credits” for “Continuing Legal Education” ? “Continuing Professional Development” purposes, depending on national rules. For more information, please contact the UIA.

“Il Corso è valido per soddisfare l’aggiornamento obbligatorio ai sensi degli artt. 4 c. 3 lett. b) (aggiornamento dei mediatori) e 18 c. 3, lett. a) (aggiornamento dei formatori), DM 18 ottobre 2010, n. 180 modificato dal DM 6 luglio 2011, n. 145 - vengono riconosciute n. 8 (otto) ore per la frequenza dell’ intero corso.”

Who should attend?

Young lawyers and mediators from other professions as well as more senior professionals looking for specialty courses to improve their skills. Participants are expected to already have at least a basic background in the area of mediation.

Course venue

Università degli Studi di Firenze
Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Via delle Pandette, 32 – 50127 Firenze (FI) – Italy




26 resultado(s)

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