Fugas de información. Cómo encauzarlas en un proceso judicial


del 31 de Mayo al 02 de Junio de 2012

  • Imprimir
  • 2012-05-31 08:30:00 2012-06-02 18:00:00 Europe/London Fugas de información. Cómo encauzarlas en un proceso judicial HELSINKI, FINLANDIA UIA
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Information can be leaked easily in particular via new media channels such as Wikileaks, Facebook and other social media. It can happen carelessly, intentionally out of moral concerns or with the intent to cause harm. It is often in the interest of governments and companies to protect information. On the other hand, whistleblowing is in many cases encouraged.

The programme will include viewpoints on when and how illegally obtained information can be used in litigation in different situations and in different jurisdictions, and will also discuss access to information in a world where there are clear differences in the protection of data, and where the modern technology complicates the application of legislation. The seminar will be rounded up with a discussion on how compliance and governance can be a tool with respect to the matters covered, and what the external counsel may have to offer in this area.

Experienced litigation practitioners will give you valuable insights into the practice of lawyers before courts in various jurisdictions around the world. Extend your knowledge of different forums and different legal traditions. Obtain concrete and useful recommendations on these interesting topics. Participants will obtain direct feedback and practical advice from leading international litigation practitioners.


Who should attend?

External counsel involved in the topics and their relation to litigation, and internal counsel interested in the litigation risks involved in global trends.

Helsinki is a great city to visit, especially now during summer when all its street cafés are open. As a sea-town, the heart of Helsinki is the harbour with a constant stream of boats and giant ferries gliding into port. But of course the city centre also has plenty to offer. You can get a good impression of its beautiful architecture at Market Square and Senate Square, which is surrounded by 19th century buildings. Several art museums and some beautiful cathedrals are all within walking distance and the city’s green parks allow for some quiet time.

And if Helsinki centre is not enough, a short ferry ride will take you to Suomenlinna, listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Suomenlinna, located on a group of islands just off Helsinki, is a unique historical monument and was one of the largest maritime fortresses in the world. Or why not take a few hours’ sightseeing cruise letting you see the archipelago which is typical of the Finnish coast.


Please download the programme and the registration form




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