2° Foro de Derecho de la Competencia


del 03 de Mayo al 05 de Mayo de 2012

  • Imprimir
  • 2012-05-03 08:30:00 2012-05-05 18:00:00 Europe/London 2° Foro de Derecho de la Competencia GANTE, BELGICA UIA
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The Competition Law Commission of UIA, jointly with the International League of Competition Law (LIDC) and with the support of the Antitrust Commission of AIJA have organised their 2nd joint Competition Law Forum, which is dedicated to new competition law developments and trends.

The Forum again is designed to bring together the views and knowledge of experts from the European Institutions situated near Ghent, national competition authorities, industry experts and private practitioners to lecture and debate via panel discussions the most relevant and up-to-date legislative developments and jurisprudence in the below specified topics. Specific focus will be given to certain cross-over topics relating to the intersection of competition law with IP-rights.

The selection of the venue in Ghent (Belgium) is also meant to connect local competition lawyers with colleagues from all over Europe and the World.

Please download the programme and the registration form



Information and Registration



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