17° Foro mundial de los centros de mediación


del 04 de Octubre al 06 de Octubre de 2012

  • Imprimir
  • 2012-10-04 08:30:00 2012-10-06 18:00:00 Europe/London 17° Foro mundial de los centros de mediación ZAGREB, CROACIA UIA
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The Forum of Mediation Centres was created in 2001 by the Mediation and Conflict Prevention Commission of the UIA. It brings together the most important commercial mediation and ADR centres from around the world and offers an occasion to exchange views on the development of ADR and best practices. It is also an occasion for centres to collaborate on specific programmes.

The meeting in Zagreb will be the 17th since the creation of the Forum. In this meeting, we want to confront the needs of the public and the services rendered by mediators and mediation centres. In fact, mediation has grown in many directions under various intellectual influences and legal traditions. We felt it was time to compare what is done to what is needed. A great occasion for all of us to question and improve our practice.

Yet again, if you want to remain at the forefront of the latest thinking in mediation and ADR this is an event you cannot afford to miss.





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