A Wealth of Legal Knowledge
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Main Theme 2 : Are fashion and sustainable development compatible in a globalised world? Thème principal 2 : Mode et développement durable sont-ils compatibles dans un monde globalisé ? Tema Principal 2 : ¿Son compatibles la moda y el desarrollo sostenible en un mundo globalizado?
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Are Fashion and Sustainable Development compatible in a globalized world?
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Family Law Droit de la famille Derecho de Familia
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; INTERNATIONAL DISPERSION OF THE LAWSUIT AND “FORUM SHOPPING
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Corporate Law and Mergers & Acquisitions / Tax Law Droit des sociétés et fusions & acquisitions / Droit fiscal Derecho de Sociedades y Fusiones & Adquisiciones / Derecho Fiscal
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; HOW TO CHOOSE THE APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISTICTION
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Agrifood Law / Insurance Law / International Sale of Goods / Private International Law / Transport Law Droit Agroalimentaire / Droit des assurances / Vente internationale de marchandises / Droit international privé / Droit des transports Derecho Agroalimentario / Derecho de Seguros / Venta Internacional de Mercancías / Derecho Internacional Privado / Derecho de los Transportes
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Artificial Intelligence and Digitalisation
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Forum shopping
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Fashion Law / Information Technology / Intellectual Property / Privacy and Rights of the Digital Person Droit de la mode / Droit des technologies de l’information / Propriété intellectuelle / Vie privée et droits de l'homme numérique Derecho de la Moda / Derecho de las Tecnologías de la Información / Propiedad Intelectual / Privacidad y Derechos de la Persona Digital
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Louboutin v Amazon Case from the DSA perspective
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Banking and Financial Services Law Droit bancaire et financier Derecho Bancario y Financiero
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Maritime finance in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Use of AI to Analyze Consumer Preferences and Buying Patterns in China and its Legal Impacts
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Future of the Lawyer / In-House Counsels / Management of Law Firms Avenir de l'Avocat / Avocats & juristes d'entreprise / Organisation des cabinets d'avocats Porvenir del Abogado / Abogados y Juristas de Empresa / Organización de los Bufetes de Abogados
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024: Becoming a “business partner” as an In-house lawyer in Japan
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Blockchain-based Bills of Lading and NFTs
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Table ronde n.1: Responsabilité étendue du Producteur, Circularité, Eco Design, Traçabilité
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; The increased access to data and the use of AI for the development of “smart mobility”
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Media Law Droit de la presse et des médias Derecho de la Prensa y de los Medios
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; LA LIBERTE DE LA PRESSE ET SES LIMITES EN RDC
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Animal Law / Banking and Financial Services Law / Criminal Law Droit animalier / Droit bancaire et financier / Droit pénal Derecho Animal / Derecho Bancario y Financiero / Derecho Penal
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Crimes of Violence and Exploitation : How AI Can Offer New Tools for the Law