A Wealth of Legal Knowledge
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Art Law / Intellectual Property Droit de l'art / Propriété intellectuelle Derecho del Arte / Propiedad Intelectual
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Blockchain, The Holy Grail? Physical Art Tokenization
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Agrifood Law / Insurance Law / International Sale of Goods / Private International Law / Transport Law Droit Agroalimentaire / Droit des assurances / Vente internationale de marchandises / Droit international privé / Droit des transports Derecho Agroalimentario / Derecho de Seguros / Venta Internacional de Mercancías / Derecho Internacional Privado / Derecho de los Transportes
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; International Sale of Machinery Incorporating Artificial Intelligence
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Banking and Financial Services Law Droit bancaire et financier Derecho Bancario y Financiero
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; La stratégie bleue du Canada
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Main Theme 2 : Are fashion and sustainable development compatible in a globalised world? Thème principal 2 : Mode et développement durable sont-ils compatibles dans un monde globalisé ? Tema Principal 2 : ¿Son compatibles la moda y el desarrollo sostenible en un mundo globalizado?
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Corporate sustainability and greenwashing some thoughts from the EU and UK perspectives
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Contract Law Droit des contrats Derecho contractual
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Sanctions and global trade – challenges in a troubled world
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Fashion Law / Information Technology / Intellectual Property / Privacy and Rights of the Digital Person Droit de la mode / Droit des technologies de l’information / Propriété intellectuelle / Vie privée et droits de l'homme numérique Derecho de la Moda / Derecho de las Tecnologías de la Información / Propiedad Intelectual / Privacidad y Derechos de la Persona Digital
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; DSA - IPRs owners perspective
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Bankruptcy Law Droit de la faillite Derecho de las Insolvencias
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Procédures collectives accélérées à cause de non-existence d’actifs – un concept pour l’Allemagne ?
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Art Law / Intellectual Property
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Artificial Intelligence Task Force Session Session de la Task Force Intelligence Artificielle Sesión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Inteligencia Artificial
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; A.I. in the Americas
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Introduction générale au DSA
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Are Fashion and Sustainable Development compatible in a globalized world?
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Family Law Droit de la famille Derecho de Familia
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; INTERNATIONAL DISPERSION OF THE LAWSUIT AND “FORUM SHOPPING
68th Congress 68e congrès 68° Congreso -> Corporate Law and Mergers & Acquisitions / Tax Law Droit des sociétés et fusions & acquisitions / Droit fiscal Derecho de Sociedades y Fusiones & Adquisiciones / Derecho Fiscal
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; HOW TO CHOOSE THE APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISTICTION
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Artificial Intelligence and Digitalisation
68th Congress; from October 30 to November 03, 2024; Forum shopping