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  • 2020-10-30T12:00:00 2020-10-30T13:20:00 Europe/Paris EU Law UIA
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EU Law

  • 30/10/2020 - 11:00 - 12:20


Post-Brexit Relations between the EU and the UK: Living Happily Ever After?
Now that the United Kingdom has left the European Union and the transition period is about to expire, the EU-UK relations are entering a new and perhaps less smooth phase. However, the geographical closeness, closely integrated economies and shared interests of the EU and UK are likely to force both sides to find common ground. The panel will explore how the future relations between the EU and the UK will be structured and how this will impact individuals living in or moving from the EU to the UK or vice versa, professional service providers and companies doing business in the EU and/or the UK.


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