Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers

Colombia Caravana - UK Lawyers Group

The Colombian Caravana is an international network of jurists supporting human rights lawyers in Colombia.

It is a pioneering initiative based on solidarity, education and advocacy, founded in 2008 upon request from the Colombian Association of Human Rights Lawyers (ACADEHUM). Caravana members work voluntarily to support Colombian human rights lawyers, so that they can work without threat to their lives.

Since 2008, the Caravana has organised international fact-finding delegations to Colombia every two years. The information gathered is drawn into a report used to shine a spotlight through awareness-raising and advocacy activities on the issues human rights lawyers and their clients are confronting. In urgent situations and in landmark cases, solidarity and legal expertise are shared via urgent action letters, reports and amicus curiae briefs.

Visit the website of the Colombian Caravana UK Lawyers’ Group:


The UIA has been taking part to the different editions of the Caravana since 2008.