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  • 2024-02-01T17:00:00 2024-02-01T18:30:00 Europe/Paris International criminal law and cybercrime The Hague Marriott Hotel UIA
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International criminal law and cybercrime

  • 01/02/2024 - 16:00 - 17:30
  • The Hague Marriott Hotel


The ICC Prosecutor recently declared his intention to prosecute the perpetrators of cybercrimes, which could potentially constitute international crimes. Shortly after, the institution's servers suffered an attack, likely for espionage purposes, in a world where it cannot be denied that cybercrime is increasingly corrupting areas of both public and private life: infrastructures, finance, energy resource control systems, weapons, hospital facilities, state and political institutions all have been and are victims of cyberwar, although “virtuous” hackers devote their energy to countering the attacks of cybercriminals. However, while there is no doubt that this growing threat will increasingly occupy criminal justice at the national and international levels, this technical area remains, for the moment little mentioned in international criminal law and often exceeds the skills of most justice actors.


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