Operaciones comerciales dentro de Europa y a nivel internacional: procedimiento civil - conflictos de leyes - venta de mercancías– 4ª edición


del 01 de Marzo al 03 de Marzo de 2015

  • Imprimir
  • 2015-03-01 08:30:00 2015-03-03 18:00:00 Europe/London Operaciones comerciales dentro de Europa y a nivel internacional: procedimiento civil - conflictos de leyes - venta de mercancías– 4ª edición VIENA, AUSTRIA UIA
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The UIA is proud to present this course which is part of the UIA 2015 Training Courses Programme. The objective of our Training Courses is to provide comprehensive tools in specific and/or specialist areas of the law or in specific projects, by offering advanced-level “master classes” held by outstanding expert trainers.
The UIA aims to provide excellence at reasonable cost, given its non-profit nature and institutional role.
The course is held over one and a half day, with 3 trainers.
The sessions will be highly interactive. 
Minimum number of participants: 20
Maximum number of participants: 50
Young lawyers as well as more senior legal practitioners with an interest in the substantive and procedural aspects of cross-border trade, internationally and in Europe (international and European civil procedure, European private international law, international sale of goods) and looking for specialty courses to improve their skills. Participants are expected to possess a level of English sufficient in order to follow presentations made in English.
Please download the programme.
Training course organised by the UIA in cooperation with the Vienna Bar Council (Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien), the Anwaltsvereinigung FORUM and the Juristenverband



Information and Registration



la UIA ha obtenido las siguientes homologaciónes :

  • 10 horas de formación
    Francia: la UIA ha obtenido la homologación oficial del Consejo Nacional francés de Colegios de Abogados (Conseil National des Barreaux – CNB)