Business and Human Rights for Legal Practitioners - 2nd edition


from July 06 to July 09, 2022

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  • 2022-07-06 08:30:00 2022-07-09 18:00:00 Europe/London Business and Human Rights for Legal Practitioners - 2nd edition MADRID, SPAIN UIA
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Summer Course
Business and Human Rights for Legal Practitioners

A 27-hour “in person” programme
From July 6 to 9, 2022

Organised in collaboration with the International Human Rights Committee of the American Bar Association’s International Law Section, with the support of the IE Law School

With less than 10 years left to achieve the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, lawyers and the law have critical roles to play in driving progress under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The private sector is increasingly integrating the SDGs into their business practice in order to better manage their risks, build positions in growth markets, and strengthen their supply chains. As companies seek advice about the legal and regulatory implications of aligning themselves with the goals, the UNGPs and the SDGs are fast becoming emerging areas of practice in which lawyers are requested to provide responsible advice to their corporate clients. Lack of full and accurate compliance with environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting and statements exposes companies to the risks of legal challenges and litigation.


Lawyers should be aware of the core concepts and principles established by the UNGPs and understand international human rights principles and how they relate to businesses’ operations and how they play a vital role in helping businesses avoid involvement in human rights violations. Law firms are increasingly finding that their business clients seek and require legal advice on the human rights aspects of their transactions and activities to identify and mitigate risks, comply with international and national regulations, and promote their visibility as ethical businesses.

In Europe, certain states (France, Germany, and The Netherlands) have adopted national legislation on due diligence while the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) has introduced specific human rights reporting duties related to human trafficking and forced and compulsory labour. The European Commission Proposal (of February 23, 2022) for a EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive which will apply to large EU companies with more than 500 employees and a net worldwide turnover of €150 million, or with more than 250 employees and net worldwide turnover of more than €40 million provided 50% of such turnover is generated in certain “high-risk sectors” (which include the manufacture and/or wholesale trade of textiles, agriculture, the manufacture of food products, the extraction of mineral resources , the manufacture of basic metal products…), as well as to non-EU companies with a net turnover of more than €40 million generated in the EU,  provided at least 50% of such turnover is generated in one of the “high-risk sectors”   - all the companies within the scope of the Directive will need to implement a number of specific human rights and environmental due diligence measures. This initiative amounts to a move towards transforming the responsibility to respect human rights derived from international standards into a legal duty at the EU level.  It aims to prevent and mitigate potential or actual adverse impacts on human rights and the environment to enhance good governance throughout the value chain, while ensuring that responsible entities can be held accountable for their impacts, and that anyone who has suffered harm can effectively access justice and obtain a fair trial before a public court and an effective remedy.

This situation presents a challenge to business lawyers who are required to understand and integrate human rights into their current representation and advisory services. At the same time, it presents an opportunity to expand the scope of advice and develop new services all to meet growing expectation that businesses respect human rights throughout their operations.

The Course provides lawyers with: an in-depth understanding of the latest issues at the nexus of law and sustainable development; and appreciation of the human rights impacts resulting from business activities at the international, regional, and national levels, and guidance on how to carry out a corporate human rights due diligence process.

Upon completion of the Course, the participants should be able to: demonstrate a thorough knowledge of human rights standards and the applicability of the standards to the challenges companies face; understand the need for corporate due diligence; identify risk management processes and approaches for undertaking due diligence; and develop due diligence assessment methods and tools companies can use to further their respect for human rights.

Who should attend?

Business and human rights practitioners, business lawyers, development lawyers, in-house counsel, academics, and representatives from NGOs and governmental organizations.


For more information  please do not hesitate to contact us.

Organising Committee

  • Organising Committee

    Carlos DE MIGUEL PERALES Lawyer and University Professor, Departamento de Derecho Privado, Facultad de Derecho, Comillas Universidad Pontificia
    Carolina MARÍN PEDREÑO President of the UIA Human Rights Commission Dawson Cornwell Solicitors
    Dr. Corinne LEWIS Partner, LexJusti
    Wendy M. TAUBE, Esq., LL.M. Co-Chair to the ABA International Human Rights Committee Lawyer, Taube Law, LLC
  • Course Coordinator

    Avv. Carlo MASTELLONE UIA Counsellor to the President SLM - Studio Legale Mastellone


  • IE University Law School



20 result(s)



IE University Law School
IE Tower
Paseo de la Castellana , 259,
28046 Madrid



3 full days of Working Sessions structured as follows:

  • Part I – 4 General Sessions: Business and Human Rights at the International and European Levels 
  • Part II – 4 Specific Sessions:  Business and Human Rights in Specific Areas:  Business Practices (International Contracts; Compliance and Risk Management in Business Transactions), Labour Law, Environmental Law, Banking and Financial Services.
  • Part III – Workshops (Breakout Sessions)



A mix of presentations, interactive exercises and real case studies focused on human rights due diligence according to the UNPGs and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.




  • Full course € 550*
  • Part I + III € 400*
  • Part II + III € 400*



  • Full course € 700*
  • Part I + III € 500*
  • Part II + III € 500*



  • Full course € 450*
  • Part I + III € 300*
  • Part II + III € 300*



  • Full course € 275*
  • Part I + III € 275*
  • Part II + III € 275*


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email explaining how to join the Course.
Please note that the number of places is limited. The organisers reserve the right to refuse registrations in the event of excess applications. Admission will be on a first come – first served basis and will only be confirmed upon receipt in full of the registration fees.

* Amounts exclusive of VAT. The VAT (20%) can be applied to the amount stated above according to the European Directive 2006/112/CE of November 28, 2006. If you have one, please provide your EU VAT ID number. For more information, please contact the UIA.
** Please provide proof (student card ie) of being a IE student/alumni.
*** Please provide proof of age to benefit from young lawyers fee.



The working language is English; there will not be any simultaneous translation service.



Every participant attending the Course will receive a “Certificate of Participation” at the end of the event that may be used to obtain “Credits” for “Continuing Legal Education”.


The UIA is holding a block booking until June 15 at the:

Hotel Eurostars Madrid Tower (5*)
Castellana 259B
Madrid, Spain
T+ 34 913 342 700
E: Noemie.leroy@eurostarshotelcompany.com

The hotel is located at 450 m from the venue, the IE University Law School

Rates (breakfast and taxes included)

  • Superior room for single use: 150€
  • Superior room for double use: 165€


Additional hotel suggestions:

Hotel Crisol Via Castellana (4*)
15 min walk from the course venue
Paseo de la Castellana, 220
Madrid, Spain
T+34 915 67 43 00
E: reservas@hotelviacastellana.com

Hotel Madrid Chamartín, Affiliated by Meliá
12 minutes walk from the course venue
Mauricio Ravel, 10, Chamartín
Madrid, Spain
T +34 917 33 34 00

In Madrid, let's keep up the good work!

A health protocol will allow you to participate in the seminar in complete safety:

- UIA will ask each participant for a vaccination certificate or a negative PCR/antigen test less than 48 hours old to enter the seminar venue.

- Masks must be worn throughout the seminar area, in the session room and during the social activities.

- In the session room, UIA will enforce social distancing.

- Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance to the room and will be available in the busy areas of the seminar.

UIA has been regularly monitoring the health situation in Spain. You can also find out more by visiting the Ministry of Health website here.

The health of our participants remains our top priority.


All cancellations will be subject to a 50% deduction and will have to be sent in writing, to be received by the International Association of Lawyers (UIA – Union Internationale des Avocats) no later than June 21, 2021. No refund will be made for cancellations received after this date.

A participant, who cannot attend, may send a substitute participant without any additional cost. Please inform the UIA in writing (uiacentre@uianet.org) prior to the event.


All registrations received by the International Association of Lawyers (UIA – Union Internationale des Avocats) along with the full payment of fees corresponding to the events selected will be confirmed in writing. If you have not received an email confirmation within 48 hours after your registration, please contact the team at uiacentre@uianet.org

The UIA reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course to a later date, change the programme, make any corrections or modifications in the information published in the programme and cancel any invitation to participate in the course, at any time and at their entire discretion, without having to provide any reasons for the same.

Neither the UIA, nor any of its managers, employees, agents, members or representatives shall be held responsible for any loss or damage, of any nature, suffered (directly or indirectly) by a delegate, accompanying person or a third party following any cancellations, changes, postponements or modifications.

The contractual relations between the UIA and each participant (delegate) in relation to the course are subject to French law and jurisdiction, to the exclusion of any other law. Paris is the city of jurisdiction.

In registering for our events, delegates and speakers grant permission to the UIA, its agents and others working under its authority, to film, record or photograph at its events. It is understood that these recordings and photographs may be used for promotional, news, online/multimedia and/or marketing purposes for the promotion of the organisation and its events. If you wish to be excluded from any recording or photograph, please email us at uiacentre@uianet.org at the time of your registration.

“Force majeure” means any events external to the parties, of both an unforeseeable and insurmountable nature that prevents either the client or the participants, or the agency or service providers involved in organising the event, from executing all or part of the obligations provided for in the present agreement. By express agreement, such will be the case in the event of a strike affecting the means of transport, hotel staff, air traffic controllers, an insurrection, a riot or any prohibition whatsoever decreed by governmental or public authorities.

It is expressly agreed that for the parties, a case of force majeure would suspend the execution of their reciprocal obligations. At the same time, each of the parties shall bear the burden of all the expenses incumbent upon them, resulting from the case of force majeure.


The personal data that you communicate to us shall be processed by the International Association of Lawyers (UIA – Union Internationale des Avocats), with its registered office at 9 rue du Quatre-Septembre – 75002 Paris (Tel: +33 1 44 88 55 66 - Fax: +33 1 44 88 55 77 - privacy@uianet.org), in accordance with Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms and Regulation No. 2016/679 on data protection, as of its entry into force on May 25, 2018. Your data will be managed by UIA's General Services, Events and Accounts Section:

• For the purpose of administering your registration for the event and your on-site access to the event;
• In order to pay for the selected services - your bank details will be deleted after receipt of your payment;
• In order to communicate information messages from UIA.
To the extent necessary for the execution of their respective tasks, our subcontractors in charge of our seminar organisation, our IT infrastructure, our management, the production and maintenance of our website and extranet, are likely to gain access to your data from time to time. Their servers are located in the European Union.
Data relating to your participation in the event shall be stored for a period of 10 years. We are obliged to archive billing data until the end of the period required for our tax and accounting obligations, i.e. for 7 full tax years. We shall store your contact information to keep you informed until you ask us to stop. You have the right to access your data and have it corrected if necessary.
You may object to any processing of your data undertaken by us for the purposes of our legitimate interests. If you wish for more information, or to lodge a complaint, please contact CNIL (French Data Protection Authority).

Information and Registration



The UIA had obtained the following accreditations :

  • 23 hours of legal training

    Consiglio Nazionale Forense: n. 10 crediti formativi


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