Le cerveau, la génomique et la médecine personnalisée: défis juridiques et biotechnologiques


du 14 Mai au 16 Mai 2015

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  • 2015-05-14 08:30:00 2015-05-16 18:00:00 Europe/London Le cerveau, la génomique et la médecine personnalisée: défis juridiques et biotechnologiques MINNEAPOLIS, ETATS-UNIS UIA
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 Sponsorship opportunities - #UIABiotech

Minneapolis is hosting a unique programme on May 15-16, 2015 involving outstanding lawyers, doctors, and biotechnology companies from 4 continents. During this one and a half day seminar, we will explore not only technology, individualized medicine, and the brain, we will engage brilliant minds exploring the ethical and privacy challenges of our near future and provide insight into biotechnology businesses and their needs and challenges.

Minneapolis, located in North America’s heartland, is a world class centre for biotechnology and medical device innovation. After the MN snows have melted into 10,000 lakes, come to this beautiful and thriving venue with leading multicultural lawyers, doctors, scientists, and ethicists who will take you to the forefront of this challenging topic.

In this seminar, we will learn about:

·         Neurobiology & brain-based technologies

·         Neurocognitive enhancers & treatments

·         How patent attorneys & other lawyers protect innovation

·         Corporate biotech best practices

·         Regulations, treaties, & conventions relating to biotechnology

·         Litigation strategies & the use of preliminary injunctions to protect biotechnology

·         Genomics & biological privacy

·         Bioethics

·         Future conception of immortality




18 résultat(s)

Information and Registration



l'UIA a obtenu les accréditations suivantes :

  • 9 heures de formation dispensées
    France : cette formation a été homologuée par le Conseil National des Barreaux – CNB